Swimming Exercises For Fast Weight Loss


Swimming Exercises For Fast Weight Loss

It’s not so hard to access a swimming pool these days. Almost all apartments come it with or there’s always a club nearby that allows you the benefit of a swimming pool. While we all enjoy splashing and lazying around in the pool, we cannot ignore the glaring benefits of swimming. You want to lose some weight but the idea of lifting weights for hours after work almost feels like torture.

Is swimming a legit workout? It is a fantastic full-body workout with minimal impact on joints. When you're moving in water, every single movement you make works against the natural resistance of the water itself—every pull, every push, every stroke, and kick, requires effort to push the water out of the way. That by itself offers an opportunity for a workout. Club it with a few swimming exercises to lose weight and you’re good to go. The water also has amazing soothing benefits for your mind. Now, does it sound like something you'd want to consider even after a long day of work? 

Swimming is a great method to get in shape and reduce weight. A 155-pound (70-kg) individual burns around 233 calories each half-hour of swimming, according to Harvard Health. 

How you swim appears to have an impact on the number of calories you burn. 

A 155-pound (70-kg) individual burns 298 calories every 30 minutes when swimming the backstroke, 372 calories while swimming the breaststroke, 409 calories while swimming the butterfly, and 372 calories while treading water. 

Swimming for 60 minutes three times a week lowered body fat, increased flexibility, and decreased many heart disease risk factors, such as high total cholesterol and blood triglycerides. Swimming also has the benefit of being low-impact, which makes exercise gentler on your joints. This makes it an excellent choice for anyone suffering from injuries or joint discomfort.

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  1. Nordic Walking - Between Fitness Walking & Running
nordic walking

Nordic walking is an outdoor sport practiced for leisure. But be warned, Nordic walking does not involve merely putting one foot in front of the other: it is practiced using poles specially designed for this sport.

The poles for Nordic walking are designed to propel you forwards more quickly and use all the muscle groups. Unlike hiking, the poles are not held vertically in front of the body but are oriented backward, like in cross-country skiing.

Thanks to these special poles, movement is fast and the Nordic walker's pace is athletic.

"Nordic walking burns 40% more energy than traditional walking. The natural balancing movements of the body are accentuated, particularly in the upper body. This works the arms, pectorals, and abdominal muscles. The effects become apparent very quickly. For people starting or going back to sports, Nordic walking can also be a step on the way to running."

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  1. Jogging on The Spot

This is an effective workout for older adults. This exercise is in two parts:

First. Positioning yourself: Stand up with your feet shoulder-width apart.

Second. The movement: Let your arms drop to the sides of your body.

  • Without moving from your spot, lift your heels, one after another.
  • You can keep your hands open or in a fist
  • Then, start jogging on the spot going a little faster, slightly lifting your knees higher.
  • Do this for two sets of 30 seconds, with a recovery time of 30 seconds in between each one.

  1. Take the Stairs Instead of the Elevator

Even small behavioral pattern changes can answer your question of how to lose weight fast. Taking the stairs for example. If done multiple times throughout the day, it’s equivalent to a workout routine and the best part is that you don’t even realize that you’re exercising.

  1. Increase Your Daily Activities
dog staring

Do some household chores instead of spending your entire evening on Netflix. Scrubbing floors, cleaning the rooms, hanging clothes to dry, taking out the trash, walking to the grocery store, getting up to place your tea cup back in the kitchen, standing and cooking, taking your dog out for a walk, skateboarding to your friend's house, a game of football or frisbee in the backyard, a weekend hike nearby can all contribute to a more active lifestyle which somewhere cuts out on the sedentary stagnation.

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  1. Go Dancing on the Weekends
dance to loose weight

Oh yes! Have fun but lose weight. If you’re spending Friday nights dancing your heart out with your friends, don’t stop. It’s a fast-paced exercise in a short time and most importantly you’re having a lot of fun.

But note, a lot of beer when you go dancing can reverse your efforts. It might not sound like the most fun thing to do but try to stick to lemonade (without sugar of course) during such outings.

  1. Transform Housework Into Exercise

How to lose weight at home? Simple! Sport at home starts with using certain household chores to get in shape and work your muscles.

"When you go shopping, carry your bags or packs of water and go up the stairs: that already takes a big effort,"

What matters is to do it with good posture. Keep your stomach muscles and buttocks engaged, and your chest proud!

Need to vacuum? The same applies. Stand up straight and throw yourself into it.

Some good tunes will help you find the motivation you need to keep your pace.

  1. Sleep an Extra 30 Mins At Night
how to get a good sleep

You deserve that so give that to yourself. A rested body functions better + you’ll be surprised to know how many calories you burn while sleeping. You’re probably thinking that the answer is “not many” but your body is at work using energy even when you’re at rest.

  1. Seriously Make an Effort to Cut Down on Stress
how to reduce stress

It might sound strange but stress is a big weight gainer. (Quite literally, not just in your head). Most people binge eat or smoke when they’re stressed and that does no good to your body. The best way is to organize your life. Eat mindfully, declutter your living space, have a work-life balance, and exercise and you’ll automatically feel yourself calming down

The Tropical Secret for Healty Weight Loss Know more

This is the best selling product with the best Gravity score. Just check it out before you leave.

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