Obesity Facts


Obesity Facts

People who are overweight or have obesity face a lot of health complications, negative consequences, and concerns. Being overweight or having obesity increases a person’s risk for many diseases and health conditions. Unfortunately, obesity rates in the United States are rising. With that statistic comes to some staggering costs.

1. More than one-third of adults in the United States have obesity.

In the United States, 36.5 percentTrusted Source of adults has obesity. Another 32.5 percentTrusted Source of American adults are overweight. In all, more than two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight or have obesity.

2. Obesity affects 1 in 6 children in the United States.

Around 17 percentTrusted Source of American children ages, 2 to 19 have obesity. That’s more than 12.7 million American children. One in 8Trusted Source preschoolers have obesity. The good news is obesity rates among preschool children have been fallingTrusted Source in recent years.

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3. Obesity is linked to more than 60 chronic diseases.

If you are overweight or have obesity, your risk for dozens of diseases and conditions is higher. These include type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and many other diseases.

4. Overweight children are more likely to become overweight adults.

Children who are overweight or have obesity are five timesTrusted Source more likely to have obese or overweight adults than children of normal weight. This can increase their risk for many chronic diseases and health complications.

5. Your waist size increases your risk for diabetes.

Researchers found that men with waist circumferences in the highest 10 percent of measurements were 20 timesTrusted Source more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than men whose waist circumferences fell in the lowest 10 percent. Also, waist measurements may help predict which people with a low or normal weight are more likelyTrusted Source to develop diabetes.

6. Obesity causes more deaths than being underweight.

Globally, obesity is one of the top fiveTrusted Source leading causes of death. It causes more than 2.8 millionTrusted Source deaths each year. The other four leading causes are high blood pressure, tobacco use, high blood glucose, and physical inactivity.

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7. Obesity is costly.

Obesity costs Americans $147 billionTrusted Source each year. People who have obesity pay more out of pocket than people who are not. The medical costs for people with obesity are $1,429 higher each year than those of people with a normal weight.

8. Your ethnicity can affect your likelihood of obesity.

Your ethnicity may impact your risk for obesity. Almost half (48.4 percentTrusted Source) of non-Hispanic Black people who have obesity. They’re followed by Hispanics at 42.6 percent, non-Hispanic white people at 36.4 percent, and non-Hispanic Asians at 12.6 percent.

9. Obesity is most common in middle age.

Adults between the ages of 40 and 59 are more likely to have obese. More than 40 percentTrusted Source of adults between these ages have obesity. Another one-third of adults aged 60 and over have obesity, and another one-third (32.3 percent) of adults aged 20 to 39 have obesity.

10. Older women are more likely to have obesity than older men.

Men are more likely to be overweight than women, but 40.4 percentTrusted Source of American women have obesity. Meanwhile, 35 percent of American men have obesity.

11. All states have obesity rates over 20 percent.

As of 2017, all 50 states have an obesity rate of over 20 percentTrusted Source. Just two decades ago, no state had a rate above 15 percentTrusted Source.

12. The South has the highest obesity rates.

Five states have an obesity rate of over 35 percentTrusted Source. West Virginia leads the group with 37.7 percent of adults having obesity. Mississippi comes in second with 37.3 percent. Alabama and Arkansas are close in the alphabet and tied for obesity percentages (35.7 percent). Louisiana rounds out the top 5 with 35.5 percent.

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13. Colorado has the lowest obesity rates.

Colorado has the lowest rate of obesity. Just 22.3 percentTrusted Source of people who live in the state have obesity. Washington, D.C., is a close second with 22.6 percent. Massachusetts, Hawaii, and California all have a population with obesity at or below 25 percent.

14. Americans are eating more calories than ever before.

Today, Americans eat 23 percent more calories than we did in 1970. That can add up. One of the leading causes of overweight and obesity is an imbalance of calories. When you eat more than you burn, your body stores the extra energy as fat. Over time, the pounds can begin to pile on.

15. Individuals with obesity miss more work.

People who are overweight or have obesity miss about 56 percentTrusted Source more work days than people of normal weight. While normal-weight employees miss an average of three days per year, overweight individuals and individuals with obesity miss approximately two additional days.

The good news is obesity is largely preventable. A healthy diet and regular exercise can go a long way to help you reach and maintain a healthy weight. Otherwise, the realities of carrying around excess weight can start to creep up on you and take their toll.

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