Extreme Fat Loss: 6 Week Fat Loss Workout Plan

- Main GoalLose Fat
- Workout TypeFull Body
- Training LevelIntermediate
- Program Duration6 weeks
- Days Per Week3
- Time Per Workout45-75 minutes
- Equipment RequiredBarbell, Bodyweight, Dumbbells
- Target GenderMale & Female
Workout Description
Extreme fat loss and transformations were once popularized by media outlets and television shows.
And as a result, they made massive weight loss an expectation for those adopting a new diet and/or workout plan.
Unfortunately, these extreme fat loss transformations aren’t realistic or sustainable.
So, today, let’s reframe what “extreme” fat loss truly is.
In the workout and article below, we’ll provide an overall strategy to help you with your fat loss goals.
For some, the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes will be “extreme”. However, take them slow and implement them on a step-by-step basis and you’ll be well on your way to an “extreme” transformation.
Of course, by “extreme” we’re insinuating you’ll get to your end goal in a sustainable fashion, eventually. The next 6 weeks should be thought of more as a springboard than the entire fat loss journey.
Editor's Note: Make sure you’re doing all the right things you need to be doing to lose body fat. For those looking for a more in-depth resource to teach them how to lose fat, we’ve created a FREE 5 day Fat Loss Email Course.
The course will teach you how your body loses fat, how to utilize workout plans on our website to maximize fat loss, how to eat for fat loss, how to supplement to lose body fat and how to track your progress.
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Workout Overview
Let’s start off by providing an effective fat loss workout plan that will get your blood pumping, heart rate up, and promote both fat loss and lean muscle growth.
The workout should be performed on 3 nonconsecutive days throughout the week. You have a bit of freedom in deciding which exact days you work out. So long as by the end of the week you’ve accomplished all 3 workouts, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your fat loss goals.
The workouts are laid out in circuit style training sessions. Any exercise listed with a corresponding letter means those particular exercises are all part of the same circuit. These exercises should be performed one right after the other with little to no rest in between.
Once you’ve finished all of the exercises in a particular circuit, rest for 30-60 seconds before restarting the circuit. Once you’ve completed all of the rounds of a particular circuit, move on to the following circuit.
These fat loss circuits are full body workouts. Meaning, they’ll work nearly every muscle group in your body either directly or indirectly. Full body workouts, especially those performed in a circuit fashion, are excellent for fat loss because they have the ability to burn the most calories for one training bout.
After each circuit, a recommended ab exercise will be included for that training day. If you wish to include more abdominal work, you are more than welcome to do so.
Also after each circuit, it is recommended to perform 8 minutes of HIIT on a cardio machine of your choice. Simply warm up for 5 mins, go into the 8 mins of HIIT performing 20 Secs of work and 10 Secs of rest, and then cool down for 3-5 mins after you finished your rounds.
If you wish, you can incorporate recovery walks, or another low-impact activity, on your days away from the gym to burn a few extra calories during the week and increase your NEAT.
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Day 1: Full Body Fat Loss Circuit
Exercise | Sets | Reps |
A1. Pull Up | 3 | 8 |
A2. Push Up | 3 | 10 |
A3. Bodyweight Squat | 3 | 10 |
A4. Dip | 3 | 10 |
A5. Chin Up | 3 | 8 |
A6. Bodyweight Rear Lunge | 3 | 15 Each |
B1. Dumbbell Shoulder Press | 3 | 8 |
B2. Dumbbell Row | 3 | 8 |
B3. Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift | 3 | 8 |
Plank | 3 | 45 Secs |
Cardio: After each circuit, it is also recommended to perform 8 minutes of HIIT on a cardio machine of your choice. Simply warm up for 5 mins, go into the 8 mins of HIIT performing 20 Secs of work and 10 Secs of rest, and then cool down for 3-5 mins after you finished your rounds.
Day 2: Full Body Fat Loss Circuit
Exercise | Sets | Reps |
A1. Barbell Good Morning | 4 | 8 |
A2. Barbell Lunge | 4 | 8 |
A3. Barbell Squat | 4 | 8 |
A4. Barbell Push Press | 4 | 8 |
B1. Dumbbell Bench Press | 3 | 10 |
B2. Dumbbell Row | 3 | 10 |
B3. Dumbbell Shrug | 3 | 10 |
Machine Ab Crunch | 5 | 12 |
Cardio: After each circuit, it is also recommended to perform 8 minutes of HIIT on a cardio machine of your choice. Simply warm up for 5 mins, go into the 8 mins of HIIT performing 20 Secs of work and 10 Secs of rest, and then cool down for 3-5 mins after you finished your rounds.
Day 3: Full Body Fat Loss Circuit
Exercise | Sets | Reps |
A1. Pull Up | 3 | 6 |
A2. Dip | 3 | 6 |
A3. Chin Up | 3 | 6 |
A4. Push Up | 3 | 10 |
B1. Dumbbell Goblet Squat | 4 | 8 |
B2. Dumbbell Shoulder Press | 4 | 8 |
B3. Dumbbell RDL | 4 | 8 |
B4. Dumbbell Glute Bridge | 4 | 8 |
Hanging Leg Raise | 3 | 12 |
Cardio: After each circuit, it is also recommended to perform 8 minutes of HIIT on a cardio machine of your choice. Simply warm up for 5 mins, go into the 8 mins of HIIT performing 20 Secs of work and 10 Secs of rest, and then cool down for 3-5 mins after you finished your rounds.
How to Set Up Your Diet for Fat Loss Success
Dieting for fat loss is fairly simple to set up, but not overly easy to execute. The main concept of a fat loss diet, however, is creating a caloric deficit.
At the end of the day, a caloric deficit is needed to accomplish fat loss.
It is recommended everyone start out by finding their daily calorie needs by using a daily calorie calculator. From there, you’ll want to create your deficit by subtracting ~250-500 calories from that number. A 300 calorie deficit is usually plenty to see all of the benefits without forcing unnecessary dietary stress on the individual.
The macro breakdown from there is highly dependent on the individual and their ability to digest and utilize certain macronutrients. It is recommended to eat at least 1g of protein per lb of goal bodyweight. This should be plenty to fuel recovery and minimize any muscle loss that can be associated with fat loss dieting.
Carbs and fats are really a judgement call. So long as you are eating enough carbs to fuel your performance for your daily activities (both work related and working out), you’ll be fine. The same can be said about fats and hormonal support.
The easiest way to manipulate calorie intake without necessarily counting calories is by prioritizing food quality. Overall, eating a diet primarily comprised of whole foods is beneficial to your health. It also eliminates some of the high calorie and calorically dense processed foods from your diet.
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So, make sure you are eating plenty of vegetables, fruits, lean protein sources, whole grains and oats, nuts and seeds, and any other whole food source you’d like to include in your diet.
Stress & Sleep: Lifestyle Tips for Fat Loss
Sleep is absolutely crucial to optimal health and can impact your body’s ability to lose fat.
Therefore, it is important to get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night by adopting a pre-bed routine that minimizes blue light exposure and promotes a sense of relaxation.
A great pre-bed routine could look like:
- Turning off the television and/or wearing blue light blockers early in the evening.
- Taking a relaxing shower or bath 30-60 mins before getting into bed.
- Untucking your sheets to promote a solid airflow.
- Reading a good book with non-fluorescent lighting.
- Turning out the light and enjoying a pitch-black cool setting to drift away in.
Everyone’s pre-bed rituals will look different, but if you’re new to this the steps listed above are a solid place to start.
Along with getting proper and adequate sleep each night is managing your stress levels. Stress can negatively impact your health and body composition, so it’s important to monitor it as best you can through healthy lifestyle habits (such as the ones you’re adopting with this plan).
To better monitor your stress levels, in addition to the pre-bed routine listed above, you could do some additional meditative practices such as including a 5-10 minute meditation before or after your shower.
You could also implement journaling, either journaling what you’ve done throughout the day and how it made you feel before bed, or by starting a dream journal in the mornings and writing down your dreams, what you think they meant, how they made you feel, and what you felt brought them on.
Lastly, on your days off from the gym, you could implement a restorative yoga practice in place or in addition to a recovery walk.
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Do the Little Things for Extra Fat Loss Potential
There are plenty of things you can do throughout your days to add an extra little bit of activity and promote a higher daily calorie burn.
For instance, if you’re close enough to your place of work and your city has the infrastructure to support it, you could walk or bike to work. This is true about anywhere you need to go as well – grocery stores, restaurants, coffee shops, etc.
If making an active commute isn’t an option for you, you could always park in any parking that is the furthest away from wherever you’re going to get a few extra steps in the day.
You could also turn minutes you might otherwise spend waiting for a meeting or appointment into an activity. If you arrive somewhere early, you can explore its campus, walk its stairwell, or take a lap around the building.
None of this is exactly necessary, but if you’re looking to get in more activity throughout the day to promote a further calorie deficit, they’re solid options to do so.